When I think of an entourage (and the dictionary confirms it) I think of hangers on. They are there to be seen, or profit from being around someone important. But, that is not always the case. In the case of medical cannabis or Hemp CBD products, the “hangers on” include things like flavinoids that give a plant, fruit, etc it’s color, and terpenes that give them its scent. But that’s not all. They also enhance, tamp down or modify how what the supposed “essential” ingredient works. They may even be the heavy lifters to create more and better results than would otherwise be the case. Next blog post I’ll go into details about whole plant Medical Cannabis and full spectrum Hemp CBD.
While the above refers to Medical Cannabis and Hemp CBD products, the same can be said for “natural ingredient” products of all sorts. When you pick up a bottle of shampoo, for example, and read the ingredients, you see names of ingredients that seem “all natural” but often are reduced down to the “essential component” of the ingredient by chemically creaing t essential components. That allows the chemists to “create” the essence of the ingredient without having to deal with the complexities of designing a product that may be much more difficult to stabilize or preserve; thus saving cost. When we remove the flavinoids, terpenes we remove the supporting components. We at Edensent® say all natural ingredients because we don’t just mean we get our ingredients from natural sources but that we use those natural sources in their raw form as much as is available. That means raw processed, cold processed, and with all the flavinoids and terpenes included. We believe that if we use all the characteristics and benefits of an ingredient we are making full use of what nature has given us. Our tagline, “True Beauty is Natural Beauty, Natural Beauty is Eden Sent” is more than a marketing slogan. It describes what we believe is the best source for skin, hair and hygiene products – the gifts of nature in their natural form.